The CCPC After School Program, an outreach of the church to families of the community, provides safety, care, and creative enrichment for children in grades PreK-5th. The Program strives to build a strong community by providing opportunities for children to develop positive relationships with adults and other children. The ASP enrollment is open to those of all races, ethnic backgrounds, and religious affiliation. The CCPC After School Program is part of the Christian Education program at the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. The program is non-doctrinal and open to families of all faiths.
daily schedule:
Our staff of 9 sets out each day at 2:40pm to collect students from Lafayette Elementary School. The children and staff walk back to CCPC in two groups. Once back, the afternoon hours are divided into four periods: outdoor play, snack time, homework time (for 2nd through 5th graders), indoor play/special activity and clean up.
The After-School Program has its home base in the education wing of the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. There are four large, brightly lit rooms, a kitchen, and an all-purpose room on the first floor which is used for indoor games during inclement weather. The program uses many other church facilities, including the large fenced in playground, for year round daily outdoor play.
The hours of the After School Program are 3:00PM to 6:30PM Monday through Friday.
We offer drop-off care, 3pm - 6:30pm when D.C. Public Schools close for Professional Development or Parent-Teacher Conferences.